This, this is another one of Web Site, Blog, Portfolio and Social Media Updates post. It is taking me bit longer to write new posts, but, here it is. Updates ...
Is Custom Android ROM worth it in 2022? Short answer is – not really, but it depends what kind of user you are. In longer answer, well, you should read ...
To begin and to explain why I did this, check out previous post about this topic. It is interesting how you can repurpose your old but still good working PC ...
After using it for a year, it is finally time – time to review my current smart band Xiaomi Mi Band 5. Now, you might ask one thing – hey, ...
You have old computer in home, want to sell it but it is not something that you want to sell as it might have some sentimental value. Or you really ...
Soo, this will be first of many of this kinds of posts on this personal web site and blog. For a few times before, on old Blog I have created ...